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Cook Serve Delicious 2 Barista PC Game starts with the feel of any other morning at Sher

更新时间:2023-05-17 13:35:16
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Cook Serve Delicious 2 Barista PC Game starts with the feel of any other morning at SherriSoda Tower as you make your way to open Cook, Serve, Delicious! by taking the elevator, the very platinum star restaurant which rose to the highest of popularity levels all thanks to your unparalleled chef and management skills. Just at the best of times, a group belonging to police force showed up and surrounded SherriSoda Tower. It appeared that the head executives of SherriSoda were secretly involved in stealing the funds from the company all at the same time as they were incurring a massive amount of debt, resulting in the drain the accounts which belong to the tower and several businesses that are carried out inside of it, including CSD. In the result of this revelation, the tower was put up for federal auction and closed for business, everything inside of it also put out for sale. Everything was over for the Cook, Serve, Delicious! restaurant no longer functioned.

Angry but filled with determination to rebuild, you gathered up entire of your savings of personal life and bought space for commercial business inside the Teragon Supertower, which is the largest skyscraper in the city. Now you are going to start a brand new Cook, Serve, Delicious! restaurant here, restore it back to the glory it once lived in, and regain your legacy that made you to be the best chef in the world.

Minimum Requirements

OS: Windows 7/8/10

Memory: 4 GB RAM

Graphics: GPU with at least 256MB of VRAM

Recommended Requirements

OS: Windows 7/8/10

Memory: 8 GB RAM

Graphics: GPU with at least 512MB of VRAM or better

Title: Cook Serve Delicious 2 Barista-PLAZA

Release Date: 14 Sep, 2017

Developer: Vertigo Gaming Inc.

Publisher: Vertigo Gaming Inc.

Download the game from download link given below.

Right click on the downloaded game and click on “Extract here”.

You need Winrar installed to do it.

Now Right click on the extracted Iso file and click on “Extract here” again.

OR You can also open iso with software called “UltraISO”. Click on the “Mount to virtual drive” icon on the 3rd bar on top of UtraISO to mount it. Then go to the virtual drive and open it. This is usually just after My Computer.

Once mounted or extracted, Right click on the file named“Setup.exe” and click on “Run As Administrator” to start the game installation.

Wait for it to install the game on your pc.

Once the installation is complete, open the folder named “PLAZA” and copy all the files from there and paste into the directory where you have installed the game. For example if you have installed game in “My Computer > Local Disk C > Program files >“Cook Serve Delicious 2 Barista” then paste those files in this directory.

Click on replace if it asks for it.

Right click on the game icon .exe and then click on “Run as Administrator” to start the game.


Cook Serve Delicious 2 Barista PC Game Cracked by PLAZA Free Download 

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